Monday, July 2, 2012

Where to Ponder Life

Wow. Two months since my last blog post? I know I've called myself "an infrequent blogger" before, and, there's your proof. So, what prompted this post, you ask? (And if you didn't ask, tough, I'm going to tell you anyway)

Well, it started with a text I got from my niece with a quote from Chris, my four year old son. "After I'm done in here, I'm going to go in my room and think about my life." Of course, I started laughing when I read that. Here's my son, deciding he needs to go contemplate his life. But then I read it again. "After I'm done in here." What's he doing? I thought. So I asked. The answer?

"He was getting into his pants after taking a dump." I lost it, laughing. Tears in my eyes. People looked at me like I was bonkers. Well, I get that look a lot, anyways, so I guess that's not really that different. And this is where I realized that I had a major opportunity to teach my son one of the great truths of being a male.

We don't ponder life after taking a dump, we ponder life while we're in the bathroom. Let's face it guys, and especially fathers, that is the one room we can escape to and let mom or whoever deal with the stuff outside. It's a great place for thinking, catching up on reading, playing Angry Birds, it's a sanctuary. There's a reason they call it the throne room, because, dammit, in there, we're kings! And woe to those who knock on the door and disturb our reverie!

A.J. understands this. He knows the greatness of the throne room. The hallowed halls. The place of refuge. Although, he did make a comment after going to the ESPN Zone in Downtown Disney. "We should have TVs in our bathrooms so we could watch sports while we're in there." Kid is wise beyond his years. I could probably squeeze a dorm fridge in there too...

1 comment:

  1. And then there are those of us mothers who have managed to learn to do our business with 1 hand, while feeding the baby, because if we dont, all hell breaks loose.
